Monday, December 15, 2008


4!!!!!!!!!! I think back to when I doubted you, Grizz, and it literally breaks my heart. You are my air. Everything I want to be, you are becoming. Greatness in shorts! I nurtured you from the beginnning and it's all coming to fruition. I want to spank your little red backside but you're all grown up now. I want to hold you in my arms like a mama bear but you're too heavy for me to pick up. I want to pepper your belly with baby kisses but you'd say it was weird and maybe call the cops. Once you were wet behind the ears, but you're big bad Grizzly BEARS and your ears are dry like my wife's roast beef! the limits of your potential are matched only by the farthest stars in the sky. On this day, you mark my words with bold print and exclamation points. These GRIZZ do not hibernate in the winter! They don't need sleep. They need no alarm clock even if they DID sleep. They wake up to the sounds of string music in their dreams. Go, Mighty GRIZZ. Go make your daddy proud.

P.s.---I already am. I love you all.


Mike said...

Yessir!  I was in Indinapolis over the weekend when the Grizz ran the streak to four, so I wasn't able to follow the BGP GrizzCast last Saturday night.  I bet it was a party.  In fact, I feel partly to blame because I haven't been to this site since yesterday morning.  If it hadn't snowed so much today (I had to help out my cousin--whose got a small plow--clear out some snow from some small busnesses in Bloomington) I woulda made it back to the computer in time for the GrizzCast or just to leave a comment, so I feel like I jinxed em.  Sorry, Morgan.  LOL!Anhoo, sorry to see you haven't updated the site since the winning streak ended just a litle bit ago.  No shame in losing to New Orleens, though.  I'm not about to get off the Grizz bandwagon, and I hope your not to. Go Grizz!

Anonymous said...

Dear Norman,
I haven't read my morning paper yet. I guess that makes it my AFTERNOON paper! haha. Actually, I don't know if I'll even read it this afternoon. Sometimes I get busy and forget and sometimes I don't feel like reading. Do you ever get like that, Norman? Do you remember the time I broke the Nerf goal in half with an accidental slam when I was really just trying to take a charge on Kevin Duckworth(my brother). That w3as crazy! Who knows how those things happen? You certainly don't because you weren't there, but I like to imagine you'd be there today if it happened back then when I was young.

Mike said...

OMG! Kevin Duckworth. My cousin grew up in Charleston, Ill.--home of Eastern Illinois University--where "Ducks" played in the mid 80's. We once went to a game there when they played Indiana State and so we also got to see LARY BIRD'S cousin Eddie play. What a treat! i don't remember who won and am sad that Kevin Duckworth has died.

Normal form Normal, Ill.

Anonymous said...

I once grew a mustache to honor Larry Bird. When people asked me what was on my lip, then I'd take the opportunity to tell them about Larry Bird who played for the Celtics practically his entire career. Most of the time they knew who he was, they just couldn't tell it was facial hair above my lip. One person thought it was fizz from a Coke, which is weird because I pretty much only drink Pepsi. I usually call it a coke, though.