Monday, November 10, 2008

Personal Update

People are starting to wonder why I'm not posting more this season. Last season there were updates after every game and such popular features as Trade of the Week, Look at THat Hustler, and MOrgan G.'s Thoughts on BAsketball in General. But, this year, there's been nary a peep from me. And people want to know why that is. Well the truth is that I'm going through some personal stuff right now. My cat, David Hyde Pierce, is pretty sick. You guys have heard me talk about David Hyde Pierce quite a bit. He's a big part of me and my wife's lives. You might say that he's the BIGGEST part in either of our lives. But the biggest part of my life is the GRIZZ. But David Hyde Pierce has some kind of stomach problem. He's very irritated and he won't eat anything besides tuna. He's very gassy and suffers from some anal leakage in the mornings. That's not a really great combination either because, the other morning when I was cleaning up some of the leakage, he boodled right in my face. WEll, the boodle must have blown some of that leakage off of his rear end and onto my bottom lip which I might have noticed if the smell of that boodle hadn't literally killed me. After that I went to work at the insurance office with my brother and he asked when I walked in what it was I had on my lip. He thought it was chocolate gravy or something. I said that I didn't know and I went into the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror then I knew EXACTLY what it was. I started to literally crack up laughing and I went out and told my brother about David Hyde Pierce boodling anal leakage on my bottom lip. WEll, my brother didn't think it was so funny and he looked at me like, well, like I had cat poop on my face. Which I did. Then he punched me in the privates, called me a name, and went out to take some pictures of houses. By the time I gathered my privates enough to get up, I had forgotten all about the cat poop on my lip. It could've happened to anyone. So it was still there when I went home for lunch and my wife saw it. Long story short, this was about a week ago, my cat's still sick and my wife still won't kiss me on the mouth. The GRizz look promising, though! GO GRIZZ! DO YOUR BEST AND HUSTLE!

1 comment:

TDubbs said...

If I had a nickel for every time I had any type of leakage on my face, i'd have $426.15.